Youth Leadership Positions
Leadership development is a key part of the Scouts BSA program. Like other elements of the Boy Scouts of America these positions are a part of the learning and development process. One of the key tenants of the organization is having a place to learn, grow, and sometimes fail in a safe way, while being supported and mentored. On this page you will find helpful discriptions of various positions.
Senior Patrol Leader:
- Lead PLC meetings
- Work with Patrol leaders to plan activities and outings
- Gauge troop interest in various activities
- Help plan annual/semi-annual calendar
- Mentor and assist Patrol leaders with meeting planning
- Supervise outings
- Organize pack-up
- Make and institute schedule of events
- Be the troop representative at Summer and/or Winter Camp roundtables
- Be aware of the location of the Troop first aid kit and paperwork while on outings
- Communicate to the the Troop the emergency plan for each outing
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader:
- Step in for SPL as needed
- Assist SPL as needed (right hand woman)
- Mentor and supervise
- Quartermaster
- Historian
- Chaplain Aide
- Librarian
- Webmaster
- OA rep
- Troop Guide
- Scribe
- Etc
- Ensure Scouts holding those positions are fulfilling their responsibility and will get credit for their service
Patrol Leaders:
- Attend and participate at PLC
- Poll their Patrol to determine interest in a variety of events
- Organize Troop meeting 1x per month
- Arrange for patrol members to lead
- Opening
- Activity
- Game
- Ensure all necessary materials are at the meeting
- Communicate with SPL and adult leaders to confirm meeting plan
- Arrange for patrol members to lead
- Supervise patrol on outings
- Optionally, help organize and lead patrol outings and/or meetings
- Arrange for a substitute as needed for PLC meetings or meeting being led by your patrol
- Work with Troop Equipment Chair (Greg Bailey) to ensure we have necessary equipment
- Check out tents and other equipment to Scouts for outings. ENSURE EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED IN GOOD CONDITION.
- Create and maintain an online record of any equipment checked out
- Lead the retrieval of gear from the trailer for outings and subsequent return of gear
- Recommend any new needed gear
- Inspect the troop gear when returned for cleanliness and needed repairs
- Work with Adult Equipment chair to repair any equipment that’s damaged
- Lead the organization of the trailer
- Arrange for a substitute for any outings not attending
- Work with Historian to ensure record of Troop Eagle Scouts maintained
- Check the air in the trailer spare tire before outings that will use the Troop trailer
- Check the fire extinguisher in the Troop trailer before outings that will use the Troop trailer
- Attend and take notes at PLC meetings
- Communicate with adult leaders the necessary information for upcoming meetings to be included in Troop meeting notes
- Communicate with the Adult Activities Chair (Ruben Madrid) to facilitate the planning of activities.
- Take attendance at meetings and report the same to Adult Leaders.
- Arrange for a substitute as needed
- Assist the Scoutmaster with turning in Troop paperwork at Summer and/or Winter Camps
- Collect permission forms from Scouts as needed
- Be aware of the location of the permission forms and medical forms while on outings
- Maintain a record of past Troop activities
- Campsites used, review of same
- Special Equipment needed
- Any improvements if outing is to be repeated
- Photographic documentation of troop events – activities, outings, COH etc.
- Update social media when appropriate
- Work with Quartermaster to ensure record of Troop Eagle Scouts maintained
Chaplain Aide:
- Lead an opening or closing reflection/prayer at meetings and COHs
- Lead Devotional or Scout’s own service on outings
- Ensure that all Scouts are welcomed to the Troop and made to feel included
- Promote Scout attendance of Vespers at Summer and/or Winter Camp
- Help plan, attend, and promote Troop attendance of Scout Sunday
- Ensure PLC is aware of Scout Sunday to prevent conflicts with Troop activities.
- Encourage Scouts to earn their appropriate religious emblems
Troop Guide:
- Work with newest Scouts to teach them basic Scout skills
- Familiarize them with the workings of the Troop
- Lead them through the initial ranks
- Work with the Adult Leaders to ensure that Scouts up to first class are being provided opportunities to advance
- Attend outings and help with advancement requirements
- Work with new recruits to encourage them to join the Troop
- Attend PLC and work with PLC to ensure advancement opportunities are worked into meetings
- Meet with Scouts who are ready for a SMC to ensure that all skills have been adequately mastered.
Order of the Arrow Rep:
- Ensure PLC is aware of all OA events and outings to prevent conflicts with Troop activities.
- Announce/advertise OA events and activities to members of the OA in the Troop
- Registration dates
- Schedule
- Encourage service within the Troop
- Encourage participation in OA events
- Organize, announce, and help run OA elections
- Answer Troop member questions about OA
- This is a position we haven’t had yet. In order to take this position, a Scout should have excellent computer skills and be intending to create a website for the Troop.
- Maintain the Troop Library
- Publicize the books and magazines in the Library to the members of the Troop
- Lend out books and magazines and keep an online record of borrowing
- Recommend other books that might be useful
- Publicize and maintain the Troop uniform library
- Ensure new scouts get access to the electronic library
- Research Weather – report to PLC of projected weather at proposed outings, report to Troop the forecast at imminent outings.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops, commonly known as ILST, is a training that can be implemented at the Council, District, or even Unit level.