First Responder Night

First Responders are a very important and special part of our communities. Their jobs are a living embodiment of “to help other people at all times”. These men and women put themselves in dangerous situations on a regular basis for the good of their community. Having a dedicated meeting about First Responders is a wonderful way to have our Cubs learn about them and the work that they do. It also serves as a way to honor the First Responders. Also they like to show off some really cool stuff! With a bit of notice most First Responders are happy to come to a meeting and bring neat thing to show the Cubs, or they are often willing to invite the Cubs to their stations.


A good cheer can inject a lot of excitement and enthusiasm into a meeting especially when the cheer matches the theme! It can simultaneously excite the Pack and get their attention. Here is a cheer that can be used for a First Responders meeting.

Cubmaster: 911

Scouts: Only for emergencies!

Possible Activities:

Equipment Show and Tell: First Responders have all sorts of amazing gear. From special uniforms, protective clothing, and some of the most interesting tools and gadgets you could hope to see. The Scouts will love to see these items and the Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and Emergency Medical Technicians are usually pretty proud to show it off.

The Cubs will love being able to spray the fire hoses.
It is neat when Fire Fighters start without wearing all their gear. It really shows the Cubs how much there is to the process.
The Scouts love to get and up close look at this specialized gear.
The smiles speak for themselves about what a hit these interactions are.

Touch a Truck: Taking a close look at these super cool vehicles is a special experience. They are full of incredible tools and gadgets that are fascinating to see. Ambulances are amazing to look at just for the amount of crazy compartments they have. Oftentimes you will be allowed to crawl into and around these vehicles.  The Scouts also think it is fun to get into the back seat of a police car.

DIY First Aid Kits: A First Aid Kit is one of the 6 Cub Scout Essentials for any outdoor activity, but more than that a First Aid kit is good to always have near by. A good group First Aid kit should be taken by an adult leader, but each Scout having a mini kit with them is a good idea too. It also begins their understanding of the importance of these items. Making a mini First Aid kit is a great activity for the Cubs.

A small plastic container like this makes a great Kit. However, for a cheaper option a sturdy zippered sandwich baggie will work too.
Here is list of some basic items that should be included in a mini Kit.

Craft Station: Crafts are always a hit with the Cubs. These examples are perfect for the theme and are sure to be a hit with your Scouts.

This ambulance is a simple and easy craft. The parts could easily be pre-cut if you are worried about things taking too long.
These firetrucks are another simple craft. You can make them even more fun but attaching the ladder to the truck with a brass brad, that will allow the ladder to tilt up and down.
This police cruiser is about as simple as it gets. Nothing beats a stack of paper plates as a base for dozens and dozens of crafts.

Thank you treats: These First Reponders have very important jobs and they have now spent a portion of their time with your Scouts. Consider having the Cubs make pictures or some other thank you gifts to honor the First Responders. If you did a craft station a simple thank you gift could be to put your demo model in a frame and give it to your guests to take back to their stations.